
As for our understanding, the individual motivation is the major driving force of mankind and society. Only the single human being can think and in particular think different, communities cannot do that, communities can only vote.

Being a human being means to live and to live means to be active. Being active means doing something and thus in opportunistic case with the result of an achievement.

For this activity we are used to apply our brain where this capability gives us our major characteristic as human beings. Consequently education is of major importance where also here the motivation is the key for long term success for the “enterprise of brain”.

„Enterprise-activity“ means, in favorable case, to do something, that others don’t do and this based on the requirement, to be better than others, who are perhaps doing something similar. “To do something” means at the same time, that repetition is limited and standstill forbidden – tomorrow we have to be different from yesterday and if necessary, also in another place. Once niche is found and expert’s assessment recognized, that can often require, to serve this global.

The motivation for „Enterprise-activity“ as well as for “to do something” which both equals to “being alive”, we obtain from needs and not from satisfaction where in this regard, the need equals to the wish since the need creates the driving force and the motivation for any of our wishes.

We will be satisfied once we are dead and once we become satisfied we will die which is nothing but a rule in Chemistry and the consideration of Shingu’s law who greatly and enlightening said “happiness is the opposite of satisfaction”.

This all is same and ultimate valid for seller and buyer, professor and student or doctor and patient who by these rules and from the given conditions obtain their essential relationship and dependency to each other, interactions included.

In „Enterprise-activity“, consequently it does not matter, what exactly the product res. the service is about as long as we see a chance to be better than others etc.

Having a business operating, this means at the same time having significant capital unused since there can always be numerous synergy-effects that could be used and so in this case and in particular as for the global infrastructure of Zoz GmbH that might be used for other goals as well. And exactly this has been one part of the motivation to launch Zoz Travel where the major reason again has been a need, namely the need of Zoz GmbH for intensive travel service. Other members of Zoz Group have followed and will following and who knows what all we might do tomorrow. And this kind of business diversification does not at all terminate the understanding of “slim companies”. The opposite is the case, since efficiency of capital employment increases.

Such philosophy and strategy of business, which is res. should be exactly valid for life and science too, does not require protection by patens, borders or inflexible contracts. It creates its own protection by crossing the same borders every day.

In conclusion, we are all depending on education and on the ability of applying achievements from that and of using knowledge where the art of using our brain might be summarized as “innovation-ability”. And you don’t want to be usual, we cannot be satisfied ever and we have to think and potentially go different.

If you want to serve a market, you need to know your clients and in particular their requirements and needs. One should try to feel and think like them and in the ideal situation, one should be one of them.

In fact, years ago we faced a situation where we had found numerous customers in Research, Development and Education but no commercial res. industrial applications. The sales of R&D equipment slowed down significantly since the highly specialized and in so far limited market became semi-satisfied.

At this point we had to decide either to accept this development which would have equaled to resignation and abandoning or we could start ourselves into commercial applications which we of course did in order to partly create and develop quasi our own market where the major issue has been and is to seed the market and to reveal possibilities and potentials of in this case nanostructured materials by HKP.

This is in general a difficult and critical situation since to our customers we might at the same time be considered as a supplier and a theoretical competitor. Until today we have been able to counter this with highest care and honesty and certainly more than a hundred bilateral confidentiality agreements.

Additionally and this to our great fortune, our customers regularly do appreciate that the here practiced interaction and synergy in equipment-manufacturing, materials-design and materials-production do lead to excellent, profitable and thought-out process-engineered solutions and products – to our customer’s advantage.

Also this gives us the chance to act as a temporary extended manufacturing site of the client which we do offer and which in fact happens frequently and most frequently under strict confidentiality. The client can always choose for products or service or both of course.

Further unusual and insofar interesting is, that since we ourselves are using Zoz-equipment intensively, usually and even years after investing into our technology, we are able to accept the return of used equipment e. g. in case of reorienting of the clients business responsibilities. In fact we have seen that one of our customers stored for years a specific spare grinding unit of a Simoloyer® and we were glad to refund this unit at the actual value (less QA-inspection) and insofar this unit for the client turned out to be a good financial investment like investing in the stock market.

Next to all this we are of course thinking about “razor and blades” and in some market sectors we admit, that we would prefer offering advanced materials rather than equipment.

By understanding and by heart we are focusing very much on education and R&D as well as on our clients in there since this is the future for all of us. And in the years, we have seen many times students receiving degrees related to our technology, moving to industry and coming back to us. This is certainly one of the best ways to grow.

By heart we want our children in their future to be at least better than us since we identify their future correctly as our future. Again here, standstill is basically negative and wishing the before is very natural.

And with us as a part of – it is the same than anywhere in nature, the biological sense of any being and creature is nothing but to survive to reproduce to survive (semi-exceptions only, e.g. some insects support others of the same race to do so).

If we want future and want to be a part of it, why don’t we give to our children the best example for life and try to get better and learn every day and every second refusing being satisfied and not stop moving ever, understanding, that life without stress is not at all possible since nothing, not a molecule and not any atom can exist without stress.
Without any need to ignore religion, there is only one guarantee for any kind of life: it is only a temporary given. Consequently, if we want to maintain and develop what we are, there is only one guaranteed way to do so, which is in the hearts and brains of our children, the children of this planet.

Henning Zoz, 2008
In easy words:

…and Future needs Energy!Once we determine our fundamental needs, beyond doubt we will realize that nobody needs a Zoz-product and that nobody needs an automobile or a vacation tour.Luckily we are living in a hemisphere of this world where only the fewest of the today’s living people ever suffered hunger or really understand what it means to really feel cold. Thus we unfortunately do not appreciate the lasting satisfaction of corresponding basic needs, simply because we are used the good life. And this by the way is less related to continent or country than to war and peace ! Without war and jealousy and envy certainly nobody on this planet would need to starve or freeze.Considered globally, it is in any case to be expected that we will be much more people on this one Earth and instancing human nutrition the forecast is acceptable, that offhand we will be able to still produce the necessary food products. Realizing that a steadily growing world-population is facing e. g. a steadily reducing global agriculture area there is only a single correct answer upon the question how we manage to close this gaping shear namely: with energy !Unfortunately also here we have a significant lack of understanding especially in the Western World and particularly among our own population. So we are just accustomed to the availability of energy at any place at any time. Unfortunately it is in particular also us who moved into a steadily growing and for a long time ultimate dependency of energy due to our affirmation of development and technology. The “unfortunately” here is not at all related to development and technology but to the fact that over here we actually cannot afford the unrecognized particular importance of energy. In case tomorrow we should have got no energy meaning no energy at all available, our society already after a few hours would start to die. No water, no heat, nothing to eat and no safety for body and life.

The ultimate question for the future in there addresses the availability of energy. Energy itself is available abound and is delivered to us from the sun in form of light and other radiation thus responsible also for the weather (e. g. wind- and hydro-power). Without weather, no rivers would be flowing as well as one could not promisingly build any tide-power plants without the moon.

The key-question for the energy-availability insofar shall be specified to how we can collect this abound energy, how can we store and how can we transport this energy.

To answer these questions we in any case need materials and these materials unfortunately are very limited and straight not available abundant. And since basic material cannot be bred and propagated, the goal can only be to increase the performance of material as well as application.

Next to this, today we shall not any longer use up but only temporary utilize thus not remove but just borrow material. Before today we bring a product to the market, we shall consider how we can recycle this product after its service life in order to return it to the stock of this planet or how we can supply it right away into repeated or other beneficial application.

The increase of materials performance, insofar the enhancement of function per material quantum in the end means nothing but how to realize more with less material. Thus 20 years ago, an ordinary cellular phone had a weight of maybe 1 kg and today the same a weight of 20 g only and this at 1000 times higher performance and at a thousandth part of the cost.

Science and industry hence, and this might be a proper review, have been dealing with Meso/Macro-Materials in the past and later with Micro-Materials. Today and tomorrow the goal are Nanostructures !

And not by coincidence exactly this determines the core topic and the core competence at Zoz. Nanostructures will help and are helping already to achieve more and more with the little we have and will res. are ensuring already, that we can be merry and that more and more people on this planet will be merry or at least could be merry. It remains the hope that the politics of the nations one day will manage to utilize the chances and the capability that we do have for the benefit of every single member of all of us.

Henning Zoz, 2011