
High Kinetic Processing (HKP) in the Simoloyer® represents the most advanced technique for Mechanical Alloying (MA), High Energy (HEM) and Reactive Milling (RM) for making Nanostructures. Simoloyer® base unit remains the same in batch, autobatch and semicontinuous operation while different grinding units are equipped with corresponding ports. Standard for batch operation, type s2 with 2nd mainport for autobatch and type s1 with semicontinuous ports for insitu separation/classification at carriergas/multiphase flow. All types cover batch operation, multiple mainports available up to type s5 and exceeding. Grinding units from steel to ceramic Si3N4 to WCCo.

  • High Kinetic Processing (HKP)
  • Mechanical Alloying (MA)
  • High Energy Milling (HEM)
  • Reactive Milling (RM)
  • Industrial- & laboratory scale
  • Scalable
  • Wet and dry operation
  • Controlled-atmosphere
  • Vacuum
  • Over-pressure
  • Change grinding units
  • Software controlled


Simoloyer® (flyer general)


Simoloyer® scale CM01- CM900

thumbnail of CM400b (E) 2301 thumbnail of CM900 (E) 2301


Simoloyer® CM100-s1

Simoloyer® CM400

Function Principle

batch, auto-batch & semi-continuous operation

thumbnail of CM001-batchBild (E) 2301 thumbnail of CM01-AB0108 auto-batch thumbnail of CM01-AB01 08 autobatch
thumbnail of CM020-AB20 thumbnail of CM100-AB100 thumbnail of CM100-AB100s5 (E) 2201
thumbnail of CM001-s1 (E) 2301 thumbnail of CM020-s1 (E) 2301 thumbnail of CM020-s1-HPC (E) 2301
thumbnail of CM100-s1 (E) 2301 thumbnail of CM100-AB100 VidGolem


Media Reload Processing (MRP)
thumbnail of 2023-08-31 MediaReloadProcessing p01 thumbnail of 2023-08-31 MediaReloadProcessing p02 thumbnail of 2023-08-31 MediaReloadProcessing p03
thumbnail of 2023-08-31 MediaReloadProcessing p04 thumbnail of 2023-08-31 MediaReloadProcessing p05 thumbnail of 2023-08-31 MediaReloadProcessing p06
video RotaryVaneFeeder pilot


Media Reload Processing (MRP) for SMART (PM2020*)
thumbnail of 2024-01-24 MediaReloadProcessing ODS S01 thumbnail of 2024-01-24 MediaReloadProcessing ODS S02 thumbnail of 2024-01-24 MediaReloadProcessing ODS S03



thumbnail of CM08-20 TGD20a (E) 2201 thumbnail of CM100 TGD100a (E) 2201 thumbnail of CMxx TTB-HTB (E) 2201
thumbnail of ContainerTrack (E) 2201 thumbnail of Schallbox SB01 (E) 2023 thumbnail of Schallbox SB0820 (E) 2023


grinding units

thumbnail of CM001-1+2lm WMs (E) 2301 thumbnail of CM001-2lh WM (E) 2301 thumbnail of CM001-2l-XT WM (E) 2301
thumbnail of CM001-2lm-s1 WM (E) 2301 thumbnail of CM001-1+2lm-s2 WMs (E) 2301 thumbnail of CM001-1+2lm-s3 WMs (E) 2301
thumbnail of CM001-1+2lm-HP WMs (E) 2301 thumbnail of CM001-1+2lm-SiN WMs (E) 2301 thumbnail of CM001-1+2lm-THM WMs (E) 2301
thumbnail of CM008 WMs (E) 2301 thumbnail of CM020 WMs (E) 2301 thumbnail of CM100 WMs (E) 2301


rotors & draingratings

thumbnail of CMxx modular rotor (E) 2201 thumbnail of 35 Ask-Roster (E) 2201


requirements for set-up & operation
thumbnail of Requirements CM001 (E) 2301 thumbnail of Requirements CM008 (E) 2301 thumbnail of Requirements CM020 (E) 2301


scale-up vs. heat exchange

thumbnail of 2023-02-21 HeatExchange CM S01 thumbnail of 2023-02-21 HeatExchange CM S02 thumbnail of 2023-02-21 HeatExchange CM S03



Download Maltoz RPM MRV Tool

Maltoz® Operating System




FAQ about Simoloyer®