| Company PDF File | Press PDF |
79 | HES2023-ZOZ | ![thumbnail of Worldwide PROCESS, Germany, M5-923-28-002.qxd, pp. 24-27 [04-2003]](http://gmbh.zoz.de/wp-content/uploads/HES2023-ZOZ-pdf-106x150.jpg) |
78 | Utilization of Hydrogen for sustainable Energy and Fuels
Marcel Van de Voorde | ![thumbnail of Worldwide PROCESS, Germany, M5-923-28-002.qxd, pp. 24-27 [04-2003]](http://gmbh.zoz.de/wp-content/uploads/Ute-Hydrogen-Production-3-TOC-pdf-pdf-106x150.jpg) |
77 | From slag to high performance concrete – Manufacturing FuturBeton
Birgit Funk, Reinhard Trettin, Henning Zoz |  |
76 | Limited Resources at Unlimited Capabilities – New Ideas, Processes & Materials will allow a Good and can Provide a Brilliant Future
Prof. Dr. Henning Zoz |  |
74 | GLOCAL – Think global and act local the Zoz - TDC joint undertaking |  |
54 | From RT-hydride Hydrolium®/H2Tank2Go® to B4SSM/MM reactive hydride composite LiBH4+MgH2 made
by HKP/powder metallurgy process
A. Franz, H. Zoz |  |
53 | Nanostructured Ferritic Alloys (NFA) as the next gen.
ODS manufactured by high kinetic processing (HKP)
H.U. Benz, H. Zoz |  |
52 | Zentallium® - the Al-CNT nano-composite for highperformance light weight applications
A. Zoz, A. Heupel, D. Yigit, H. Zoz |  |
51 | High performance zinc flake pigments for anti-corrosive
coatings manufactured by HKP/powder metallurgy
A. Funk, B. Funk, H. Zoz |  |
50 | HKP as a PM-process utilized for environmental
applications in Mechano-Chemistry
G. Kaupp, B. Funk, H.U. Benz, A. Heupel, H. Zoz |  |
49 | limited resources at Unlimited Capabilities
T. Zoz, H. Zoz |  |
48 | Recycling of EAF dust by semi-continuous high kinetic process
H. Zoz, G. Kaupp, H. Ren, K. Goepel, Z. Tian, M. R. Naimi-Jamal
and D. Jaramillo V. |  |
41-1 | High Performance Cements and Advanced Ordinary Portland Cement Manufacturing by HEM- Refinement and Activation
H. Zoz, D. Jaramillo V., Z. Tian, B. Trindade, H. Ren, O. Chimal-V and S. Diaz de la Torre |  |
40 | Reactive Dry-Milling for Environmental Protection -encouraging industrial applications for High Kinetic Processing
G. Kaupp, M. R. Naimi-Jamal, H. Ren, H. Zoz | ![thumbnail of Worldwide PROCESS, Germany, M5-923-28-002.qxd, pp. 24-27 [04-2003]](http://gmbh.zoz.de/wp-content/uploads/Worldwide-PROCESS-Germany-M5-923-28-002.qxd-pp.-24-27-04-2003-pdf-106x150.jpg) |
39 | HKP using Carrier-gas Assisted Discharging
H. Zoz, H. Ren, H U. Benz, T. Suzuki, H. Ikehata, T. Saito |  |
38 | Comparative routes of solid-solutios-formation by MM of Ag-70Cu (at%)
H. Zoz, I. Vernet, D. Jaramillo V. |  |
37 | Solid-solution-formation by MM of the Ag-70at%Cu alloy
H. Zoz, S. Morales, D. Jaramillo V. |  |
36 | Alternative Mechanical Milling routes for grain-refinement of conventional High-Speed Steel powder for later consolidation by SPS
H. Zoz , K. Ameyama, S. Umekawa, H. Ren, D. Jaramillo V. |  |
34 | Environmentally Protecting Reactive Milling
G. Kaupp, M.R. Naimi-Jamal, H. Ren, H. Zoz |  |
33 | Mechanically alloyed SiC composite powders for HVOF applications
B. Wielage, J. Wilden, T. Schnick, A. Wank, J. Beczkowiak, R. Schülein, H. Zoz, H. Ren |  |
31 | Simoloyer®: major characteristics and features
H. Zoz |  |
30 | Reactive Milling with the Simoloyer®: environmentally benign quantitative reactions without solvents and wastes
G. Kaupp, J. Schmeyers, M. R. Naimi Jamal, H. Zoz, H. Ren |  |
29 | Development of High-performance Nd-Fe-B Magnetic-Filter for Separation of Metallic Impurities
H.U. Benz, M. Bommert, J.S. Kim, D.J. Vigueras and H. Zoz |  |
25 | High Kinetic Processing of Enamel, Part I
H. Zoz, H.U. Benz, G. Schäfer,M. Dannehl, J. Krüll, F. Kaup, H. Ren, R. Reichardt |  |
23 | Stellite bearings for liquid Zn-/Al-Systems with advanced chemical and physical properties by Mechanical Alloying and Standard-PM-Route –
Part I
H.Zoz, H. Ren, R. Reichardt, H.U. Benz, K. Hüttebräucker, L. Furken |  |
19 | Processing of Ceramic Powder using High Energy Milling (HEM)
H. Zoz, H. Ren |  |
18 | Energy Balance during Mechanical Alloying, Measurement and Calculation Method supported by the MALTOZ®-software
H. Zoz, H. Ren, R. Reichardt |  |
17 | Ductile Metal Flakes based on [Au], [Ag], [Al], [Cu], [Ti], [Zn] and [Fe] Materials by High Energy Milling · Part I
H. Zoz, H. Ren, R. Reichardt, H.U. Benz, A. Nadkarni, G. Wagner |  |
15 | Improved Ag-SnO2 Electrical Contact Material Produced by Mechanical Alloying
H. Zoz, N. Späth |  |
14 | High Energy Milling / Mechanical Alloying / Reactive Milling
H. Zoz, H. Ren, R. Reichardt, H.U. Benz |  |
13b | Simoloyer CM100s · semi-continuously Mechanical Alloying in a production scale using Cycle Operation · Part II
H. Zoz, D. Ernst, R. Reichardt, T. Mizutani, M. Nishida, H.Okouchi |  |
12 | Mechanical Alloying of Fe-Based Solid Lubricant Composite Powders
D. Ernst, H. Weiss, R. Reichardt, H. Zoz |  |
11 | Mechanical alloying using cycle operation · A new way to synthesize CMB-materials ·
H. Zoz, D. Ernst |  |
10 | Mechanical Alloying of Ti-Ni based Materials using the Simoloyer
H. Zoz, D. Ernst, I. S. Ahn, W.H. Kwon |  |
09 | Mechanical Alloying of Ti-24Al-11Nb using the Simoloyer
H. Zoz, D. Ernst, H. Weiss, M. Magini, C. Powell, C. Suryanarayana, F.H. Froes |  |
08 | High Energy Milling (HEM) Equipment
H. Zoz | |
07 | Performance of the Simoloyer
H. Zoz |  |
02 | Application and Design of Drummills
H. Zoz, R. Reichardt, J.-S. Kim |  |
01 | Trommelmühlen: Allgemeine Betrachtungen
H. Zoz |  |
| Trommelmühlen: Einfluß der Trommelgeometrie auf die Mahlleistung Attritor technology: latest developments
H. Zoz | |
| Simoloyer Technology · Optimized Charging and Discharging in the MA-Prozess illustrated by solid lubricant powders (Fe/MoS2)
H. Zoz , D. Ernst, H. Weiss | |
| Simoloyer Technology · Optimized Charging and Discharging
H. Zoz | |
| Herstellung von Metall-Flakes durch hochkinetischen Mahlprozess
H. Zoz, H. Ren, R.Reichardt, H.U. Benz | |